The Legacy Group Keys To Success

Industry veterans who specialize in facility maintenance, project management, and specialty services.

Sense of Urgency
Constant communication, and strategic mobilization drives down cost and business interruption.

Our Technology
Customized, state of the art tracking and reporting software.

Our Partnerships
Nationally vetted affiliate database made up of licensed skilled tradespeople and direct manufacturers.
Facility Maintenance Solutions
LEGACY GROUP excels in providing 24-7 national coverage to our multi-site customers, offering an array of expert trade solutions. Real time communication and subject matter professionals continue to differentiate LEGACY as an industry leader in quality, consistency and responsibility.
Project Management
LEGACY GROUP project managers are highly skilled in both facility services and national scale construction management. This agility gives our team an edge when managing national scale rollout programs by maintaining constant field communication providing strict adherence to budget and schedule.
Loss Prevention Services
LEGACY GROUP prioritizes safeguarding your business assets with comprehensive loss prevention services. Our dedicated team, specializing in all types of doors, security enclosures, locks, and glass services in collaboration with a trusted vendor network.
Custom Retail Fixtures
LEGACY GROUP is the premier national provider of custom retail fixture maintenance and construction services. Our “REPAIR FIRST” methodology extends the life of your assets.